To book a flight over the phone, general inquiries, and to manage or change a booking.
(306-665-2370 in Saskatoon)
Call 1-877-989-2677 24 hours a day.
If you need to charter an aircraft immediately or require other information,
please call one of the bases nearest you.
Hangar 3A, Hangar Road
John G. Diefenbaker Airport
Saskatoon, SK S7L 5X4
Tel: (306) 665-2700
Fax: (306) 665-1606
Prince Albert Terminal
Tel: (306) 764-4931
Fax: (306) 764-4946
Prince Albert Hangar
Box 100, 196 Veterans Way
Prince Albert Municipal Airport
Prince Albert, SK
Canada S6V 5R4
Tel: (306) 764-1404
Fax: (306) 764-3775
3B Hangar Road
Cargo Phone: (306) 934-4273
La Ronge Waterbase
Tel: (306) 425-2382
Fax: (306) 425-2455
Fond du Lac
Tel: (306) 686-2147
Stony Rapids
Tel: (306) 439-2040
Wollaston Lake
Tel: (306) 633-2022
La Ronge Terminal
Tel: (306) 425-2774
Buffalo Narrows
Buffalo Narrows Airport
Buffalo Narrows, Sask
Tel: (306) 235-1221
Fax: (306) 235-4622